Manual Chiropractic Technique in Inglewood, CA
Chiropractic services are based on the manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, and the spine in particular. These adjustments are designed to improve function and movement as well as reduce pain and inflammation in patients. In some instances, chiropractors use specialized instruments or equipment for patient procedures. Others rely on manual chiropractic techniques.
Manual chiropractic technique in Inglewood, CA, is based on hands-on adjustments. Dr. Kian Javid provides professional chiropractic treatment designed to achieve the best results for each patient. At South Bay Wellness Center, we offer quality health services, including manual chiropractic techniques near you.
What Is Manual Chiropractic Technique?
Traditionally, chiropractic care is the professional practice of using hands to deliver treatment to patients. Manual chiropractic technique is when our doctor near you performs a manual adjustment using their hands to manipulate the spine. This technique is effective in that utilization of the hands allows for feedback and information through direct physical contact with the patient. This can facilitate an accurate, professional evaluation and assessment of musculoskeletal issues.
In addition, the manual chiropractic technique allows for precise treatment for a patient. With this technique, Dr. Kain Javid can manually adjust a patient’s spine and other elements making up the musculoskeletal system.
Differences between Manual and Instrument-Assisted Chiropractic Treatment
The primary difference between manual and instrument-assisted chiropractic treatment is that the former relies on the use of hands. In contrast, the latter relies on the use of a device to deliver treatment. For instrument-assisted chiropractic treatment, specially designed tools and equipment are used to achieve results for patients. For example, a chiropractor may use an Activator Adjusting Instrument (AAI), which patients may recognize as a “clicker.” The AAI is a hand-held device that applies a gentle impulse to a specific part of the patient’s body.
Depending on an individual patient’s needs, their treatment should be customized to achieve the best outcome for overall health and wellness. Dr. Kian Javid’s approach to chiropractic care is to meet each patient’s needs with an individualized program. For more information about manual chiropractic techniques with our doctor in Inglewood, CA, contact South Bay Wellness Center.